Friday, September 3, 2010

Blog Entry #1 A More Perfect Union

In President Barack Obama's speech, "A more perfect union", he discusses topics such as whites' and blacks' perspectives on race, Reverand Wright's political and racial comments, the media, and how segregation still exists in the 21st century.
Obama asks everyone to move on from the past racial history. Moreover, we as African Americans can improve race relations by supporting other races and, as a whole, to better our nation, instead of blaming one race of the situation we may be in our lives. During President Obama's campaign, some African Americans said that he wasn't "black enough", but, in the future, we need to judge our presidential candidates not based on race, but by character and their vision to help improve our nation. American's as a whole need to come together to solve our problems such as the war with Iraq, education, and health care

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