Wednesday, December 8, 2010

4 Cool Ways To Stay Motivated As An Entrepreneur

The entrepreneurship world is not an easy world where you can just go in and achieve success overnight. No, before you can win in a big way, you must surely face the grudges. No successful entrepreneur can tell you that he or she didn’t face any grudges before achieving success in life.
I’m not trying to scare you but it’s the fact. Like they say “Nothing Good Comes Easy” Yeah, that’s the truth. Before you can achieve any good thing in this life you must be ready to pay for it, and the price is by facing the grudges.
Many entrepreneurs can’t withstand the storm, when they see that the storm is too much for them to bear they will feel like giving up which most entrepreneurs end up doing. I’m sure you will be wondering why they gave up? One of the major reasons why they gave up was because they are not self motivated.
In this life, you must be self motivated if you really want to break new ground. You and I can’t do without the spirit of self motivation. We must always embrace the spirit of self motivation in our life’s so that we can keep going and be able to tackle any thing that is trying to pull us back.
In this post I will be talking about the cool ways you can stay motivated and they are highlighted below:
Listen To Inspirational Audios:
One of the best ways to stay motivated is by listening to inspirational audio clips. Audio clips by people who their main aim is to help you stay motivated, people who want you to break new ground in life.
Try to get these audio clips on your iPod or your laptop. So that whenever you are not feeling good you can go to a silent place where nobody will disturb you so that you can pay attention to what you are listening to. I love staying in a silent environment where nobody would be able to talk to me; it will be me and my spirit that would be contemplating on how I can break new grounds.
It’s a good thing to do, am sure you would love it when you give it a try. Always try to have inspirational audio clips on your phone, iPod or laptop. Incase you don’t know where to get them; you can surf the web or try to ask anyone who can help you get it.
Chat with People You Know They Can Help:
Yeah, you should try to chat with people who can help you, I mean self-development people. I’m sure you get what am trying to say?
It’s advisable to hang out with people you know they can advise you, people whom you know that when you share your feelings with them they will surely help you out by giving you tips on how you can stay motivated in other to continue the journey. It’s good to hang out with people who don’t want to see you get hurt.
If you are able to hang out with this kind of people you will be successful. Try to stay away from people who are not ready to help you, people who talk about useless things a lot and they don’t care if you are down or sick. It won’t help if you should stay with this kind of people. Because they will want to bring you down to their level. Why? They already know that you are two steps ahead of them so they would want to make sure they use their madness to hurt you the more.
I do encourage people to have friends that are ready to help them, friends who can add value to their life. The kind of friends you follow will determine your future if you will succeed or not. They are one of the main key behind your future. So choose your friends carefully. Stay away from chicken friends and hang out with friends who can add value to your life.
Read Successful People’s Stories:
Yeah, reading stories of people who had being there always keep someone stay motivated. When you read successful people stories, you will get to know that their success was not overnight success. And if at all you want to call it an overnight success, it took years before they could get to where they are.
“Rome was not Built in a Day” so they didn’t become successful the day they embark on the entrepreneurship journey. I love reading stories of entrepreneurs who face the entrepreneurship grudges before they could become successful. It does boost up my spirit whenever I read their stories. I’m sure by the time you read it, it will help you stay motivated and get you back on track.
If you haven’t given it a try before I urge you to do so, and feel free to share the results you get after reading it.
Read Self Development Books and Blogs:
Reading self-development books and blogs is one of the best ways to stay motivated. It will help relax your spirit when you are feeling bad.
The self-development blogs I can recommend for you guys are Celestine Chua’s Blog and Brenda Freeman’s Blog. These blogs are the real blogs when it comes to self-development. I do read them and those are the blogs I can vouch for.  If you know about any self-development blogs feel free to list them on the comment section so that others can view them.
I do read books too but the ones I do most is reading blogs, but I’m sure by the time you give them a try you will be glad you did.
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Image Credit: Tjacobi

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